Friday, 30 August 2019

15 September (Sun): R.U.M. Mangrove Cleanup (International Coastal Cleanup edition)

Join Lisa Lim and volunteers from R.U.M. and Nature Society Singapore (NSS), Marine Conservation Group to clean up this site in preparation for mangrove restoration!

This upcoming cleanup is also organised in conjunction with International Coastal Cleanup ( in September.

Come visit Ubin, learn more about Ubin mangroves and R.U.M., and make a difference for them!

Date: 15 September 2019 (Sunday)
Time:  4.00pm - 7.00pm

Only registered participants may join us as we have limited capacity for both ferry and van transport. Please register here:

Monday, 26 August 2019

Channel 8 newsclip about mangrove restoration as mitigation action against sea level rise.

In this news clip on Mediacorp Channel 8, Prof. Dan Friess talks about the importance of mangroves in protecting our shorelines and how they can help in mitigating the effects that come with sea level rise. Stephen Beng (Nature Society Singapore, Marine Conservation Group) briefly explains how and where mangroves can be restored. The reporter speaks Mandarin but the interview is in English.

Sea level rise is one of the things Singapore will have to deal with. This was one of the points on Climate Crisis made by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Long during his National Day Rally Speech.